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    You are honorably welcomed to this arena where you get access to varieties of articles. The kind of information that will transform your whole being and expose the best in your person. Everybody is welcomed to put in their own opinions.Remain Blessed as you do so.
    Here is a vital tip you can't afford to overlook.Read over..

Power Failure, The Lessons Therein.
God would sometimes let be some occurences we never thought it could down on us but only the wise will learn from his or her experiences be it good or bad. Nigeria as a country  is blessed with natural resources which will surely provide us the best of our needs if they are adequately and judiciously utilised.
     It's no gain saying that the very current problem which Nigerians are experiecing is power failure, a phase of darkness, but the fact therein is that God has let this happened so that the wise among the masses will learn one or two things.
  Every great spark takes it source from the dark. The beauty of light can only be projected in realm of darkness. Light cannot delight without darkness just as seed cannot germinate without soil. Destiny can't be fulfilled without trials, suffering, tests and difficulties. The deeper the darkness, the shiner the light becomes brightly. Hard times may threat ones faith but if treated with iron determination, maturity one can tread though roughly but softly to eternal place of rest where the bread is ready to satisfy the yearning souls.
Darkness is fundamental as well as biblical. God could not dispel darkness for it is an entity but was compelled out at God's declaration.We do not need to sit down blaming darkness it is an essential ingredient needed for man to fulfil is destiny.
It is horrible to tremble in the hour of darkness. Defeat and destruction ensue when fear is allowed. In the hour opf darkness, over confidence, prayerlessness will prolong the battle.
Till one is fully trained can't truly reign. Until gallantly win in the battle of life can't rule militantly. Darkness may not be glamourous but vital to develop us into complete personality heaven can dependably trust. Be focused, Be determined. Bravery possessed will make you to crave for the best.
   Sooner or later, the issue of power failure would become an history. We must lost hope yet. Better Dey Come. Long life Nigeria.

       Be careful of your thoughts. Whatever you send out of your mind, comes back to you. Every thought you think, is a boomerang. 
       If you hate another, hate will come back to you. If you love others, love will come back to you. An evil thought is thrice cursed. First, it harms the thinker by doing injury to his mental body. Secondly, it harms the person who is its object. Lastly, it harms all mankind by vitiating the whole mental atmosphere.
     Every evil thought is as a sword drawn on the person to whom it is directed. If you entertain thoughts of hatred, you are really a murderer of that man against whom you foster thoughts of hatred. You are your own suicide, because these thoughts rebound upon you only.
    A mind tenanted by evil thoughts acts as a magnet to attract like thoughts from others and thus intensifies the original evil.
   Evil thoughts thrown into the mental atmosphere poison receptive minds. To dwell on an evil thought gradually deprives it of its repulsiveness and impels the thinker to perform an action which embodies it. 

Time Is Valuable
We all have limited resources and we must manage them to focus on what's important. We have zillions of tasks to accomplish but there's enough time for all to be done at once, hence, the quest for time management.
     Most people haven't adequately determined how to best manage their time pertaining to personal routines, work commitments and projects by considering what to do with their time, the information avalanche, their mind, body and focus.  They leave key steps undecided and vague or they try to tackle productivity from the top down, by defining critical objectives or goals and implementation details.
    You may find the following clues advantageous to your daily use of time so as to make the best of your time.

 Thought Power by Concentration 

There is no limit to the power of human thought. The more concentrated the human mind is, the more power is brought to bear on one point. The rays of the mind are scattered in the case of the worldly-minded persons. There is dissipation of mental energy in various directions. For purposes of concentration, these scattered rays have to be gathered by the practice of concentration and then the mind must be made to turn towards God. Cultivate attention, you will have good concentration. A serene mind is fit for concentration. Keep the mind serene. Be cheerful always. Then alone can you concentrate. Your Thought Determines You Every change in thought makes a vibration in your mental body and this when transmitted to the physical body causes activity in the nervous matter of your brain. This activity in the nervous cells causes many electrical and chemical changes in them. It is thought-activity which causes these changes. Intense passion, hatred, long-standing bitter jealousy, corroding anxiety, fits of hot temper actually destroy the cells of the body and induce diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and stomach. It is a point worthy to note with care that every cell in the body suffers or grows, receives a life impulse or a death impulse, from every thought that enters the mind, for you tend to grow into the image of that which you think about most. When the mind is turned to a particular thought and dwells on it, a definite vibration of matter is set up and often, more of this vibration is caused, the more does it tend to repeat itself to become a habit, to become automatic. The body follows the mind and imitates its changes. If you concentrate your thought the eyes become fixed.

AS YOU AGES... You only hurt yourself when you're not expanding and growing. Many people can't stand the thought of aging, but it's the crystallized thought patterns and inflexible mind-sets that age people before their time. You can break through and challenge your crystallized patterns and mind-sets. That's what evolution and the expansion of love are really about. For the first half of your life, people tell you what you should do; for the second half, they tell you what you should have done. Age mellows some people; others it makes rotten.Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself. 

You Can Determine Your Destiny 

Man sows a thought and reaps an action. He sows an action and reaps a habit. He sows a habit and reaps a character. He sows a character and reaps a destiny. Man has made his own destiny by his own thinking and acting. He can change his destiny. He is the master of his own destiny. There is no doubt of this. By right thinking and strong exertion, he can become the master of his destiny. A rogue is not an eternal rogue for all times. Put him in the company of a saint. He will change in no time. He will think and act now in a different way and will change his destiny. He will become saintly in character. You can make your destiny. Use the Power of Thought. Think rightly, think nobly. You will have only to think, and to act. By right thinking, by right desiring, by right acting, you can become a Sage, a millionaire. You can attain the best of your wish by good thought and action. Man is not a helpless being. He has a free will of his own.
Your Thought And You.
Thought is life. What you think, that you are. Your thought creates your environment. Your thoughts constitute your world. If you entertain healthy thoughts, you can keep good health. If you hold on to sickly thoughts in the mind, thoughts of diseased tissues, thoughts of weak nerves, thoughts of improper functioning of organs, of viscera, you can never expect good health, beauty and harmony. Remember that body is a product of the mind and is under the control of mind. If you hold on to vigorous thoughts, your body, too, will be vigorous. Thoughts of love, peace, contentment, purity, perfection, Divinity, will make you, and also others around you, perfect and Divine. Cultivate divine thoughts.

A Purposeful-Driven Life
Life is a state of living. Every living soul lives for a purpose. But is its unfortunate that many people are yet to realise the purpose of their existence. Purpose is the ability to plan something and work successfully to achieve it.
   There is more to existing than living- Making positive impart to people's lives. Hence, a life not lived for others is a life wasted. Likewise, athere is more to book than reading-Understand. There is more to food than eating- Satisfy. There is more to sermon than preaching- Inspire. There is more to preaching than hearing- Doing. There is more to learning than listening-Digest. There is more to friendship than accompanying- Influence. There is more ear than hearing- Balance. There is more to music than melodious- Sensible. There is more to disease than weakening- Kills. There is more to reconcilliation than forgiving- Forget.
    So, it is wiser for one's sake to realise the paramount purpose of something before doing it. So, live a purposeful-driven life.

Our Need For Love
  Life without love us ultimately life without meaning. Love is a primary element of a human life. Love us so vital to infants that those deprived of it ma perish for want of it.
    Recent research has shown that evn intelligence  in children- and hence the abilit to excel at many tasks- depends to some degree on loving attention and commnuication. When babies are cared for by caring adults,they become much better learners and are much more confident to take over the world.
   Love's absence can be devastating. Children need the love of their parents to succeed. The loss of a spouse often hasten the death in older people. Life's challenges are more easily  managed  when we have the support tha loving relationship provides.The mutual giving and receiving that flow from personal relationships increase life's worth.

Drive Away Obnoxious Thoughts
       Drive away from your mind all unnecessary, useless and obnoxious thoughts. Useless thoughts impede your spiritual growth; obnoxious thoughts are stumbling blocks to spiritual advancement.
      You are away from God when you entertain useless thoughts. Substitute thoughts of God. Entertain only thoughts that are helpful and useful. Useful thoughts are the stepping-stones to spiritual growth and progress.
Do not allow the mind to run into the old grooves and to have its own ways and habits. Be on the careful watch.
      If a pebble in our boot torments us, we expel it. We take off the boot and shake it out. Once the matter is fairly understood, it is just as easy to expel an intruding and obnoxious thought from the mind. About this there ought to be no doubt, no two opinions. The thing is obvious, clear and unmistakable.
It should be as easy to expel an obnoxious thought from your mind as it is to shake a stone out of your shoe; and, till a man can do that, it is just nonsense to talk about his ascendancy and conquest over nature. He is a mere slave and prey to the bat-winged phantoms that flit through the corridor of his brain.

Tips To Conquer Wrong Thoughts
       Thoughts of passion and lust, should be conquered by an earnest  by intense aspiration to realize the Truth, to know God, by meditating on the great advantages of purity.
      Thoughts of hatred and anger should be controlled by generating thoughts of love, forgiveness, mercy, friendliness, peace, patience and non-violence.
Pride and thoughts connected with pride must be controlled by a systematic mental examination of the value of cultivating humility.
        Thoughts of greed, grabbing and possessiveness should be dispelled by pursuit of honesty, disinterestedness, generosity, contentment and non-covetousness.
Nobility and magnanimity, complacency and greatness of heart, will help you get over all thoughts of narrowness, jealousy, meanness.
Delusion and infatuation are best conquered by the development of discrimination. Vanity is overcome by a many-sided simplicity, arrogance by politeness.

Expect more and more from the stable of Adeboye Joseph. Your contribution are welcome, you can contact me on +2347031262179 or mail me on omnijoeself@yahoo.com

Be A Leader.
Leaders have one thing in common: a passion for the promises of life and the ability to express themselves fully and freely. Full, self-expression is the essence of leadership.The man is only half himself, the other half is his expression. Being able to express yourself fully means that you know who you are, what your strengths and weaknesses are, and how to fully deploy your strengths and compensate for your weaknesses. You also know what you want, why you want it, and how to communicate what you want to others, in order to gain their cooperation and support. Finally, you know how to achieve your goals. The key to full self-expression is understanding one's self and the world, and the key to understanding is learning—from one's own life and experience.
  Becoming a leader isn't easy, just as becoming a doctor or a poet isn't easy, and anyone who claims otherwise is fooling himself. But learning to lead is a lot easier than most of us think it is, because each of us contains the capacity for leadership. In fact, almost everyone of us can point to some leadership experience. Leadership takes place at home, in sports, community, churches, meetings, neighborhoods, and at work.
In fact, the process of becoming a leader is much the same as the process of becoming an integrated human being. For the leader, as for any integrated person, life itself is the career. Discussing the process in terms of "leaders" is merely a way of making it concrete.
   Leaders are not born but made. Crave for it, work for it and you will have it. No one is a failure. You can be an idol. Be a leader.

Live Your Life For Others.

Life is a state of living. Living a life without a purpose is more or less likened to an article of no commercial value - nothing but useless and wasteful. What could better describe a successful man that a man who lives not just for himself but for others.

  Rome, says the sage, is not built in a day, likewise becoming somebody of substance is not a day job, it is not done only by wishing but working towards achieving the goals one has dreamed of.
   If you are striving, working and trying to the best of your ability to improve day by day, then you arein line of your duty. On getting to the state of achievement, you must not relent but crave for more. And by then you must remember that you are not there to satisfy your lustful desires but to enable the world to live amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. Remember that a life not lived for others is a life wasted. So,Live Your Life For Others

     Start with the most mundane activities and commitments; Just like my Economics teacher taught me in my secondary school days that scale of preference if the arrangement of wants according to their importance, the term is also applicable in your time management, whereby you need to accomplish your tasks according to their importance.
     Clarify exactly what your commitment entails....its desired outcome and what you have to do to make progress toward fulfilling it. Here applies what would be the quality of the outcome of that task you had rated high and to be accomplished before any other tasks.
    Once you've pinpointed all of the next-action steps you need to take, keep reminders of them organized in a system you can review regularly.
When your newly adopted behaviors help you organize everything that comes your way, a deep alignment will occur.  Wondrous things will emerge.  You will become highly productive, achieving your desired outcomes with minimal stress and maximum results. Remember time na money ! You need to know the value of your time and do things that will appreciate your time rather than depreciating you and your time.




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